7 Ways to Sharpen Your Leadership Skills
Very few people describe themselves as natural born leaders. It
takes buckets of self-confidence and a dash of moxie to get others to
follow your lead. But you don't exactly need to grab the microphone to
exude leadership. Leadership is a skill; one that can be learned and
developed. Strong leadership skills will help you score more
responsibility at work, which means higher chances of a promotion, increased salary, and growth opportunity overall. So, if you want to give your boss more reasons to promote you, consider doing at least one of the following each work day:
1. Foster a reputation for being helpful and resourceful. You
don't have to know how to do everything to be seen as a leader, but you
do need to be a problem solver. Keep your eyes and ears perked to be
aware of what's going on, even in other departments—who's the best
person for graphics? Or who's the most accessible person in the IT department?
When a newbie co-worker or manager asks for help, you'll know exactly
who to direct them to, which will solidify your status as someone who
knows the ropes.
"Top performers are widely known and respected by others not because
of their frequent contact, charm or likability, but because they help
others solve their problems," says David Maxfield, co-author of New York Times' national bestseller Change Anything: The New Science of Personal Success. "By doing so, they become invaluable resources." Aim to be helpful; knowing about your surrounding resources is a great start.
2. Be a self-starter. At the very least, you should become the go-to, indispensable person
in your little corner of the company. Do whatever it takes—whether it's
classes at night, attending conferences, or starting a blog about your
field—to become a super authority on your job.
The key here is to kick into self-starter mode—a major prerequisite
to gaining leader status. It's not just about doing the job you're
assigned, it's about starting your own side projects to keep practicing
and mastering your skill.
3. Mentor someone newer. If you see a co-worker who
is clearly struggling, point them in the right direction if you can.
After all, what better way to practice leadership than to let someone
follow your lead? The trick here is to be an effective communicator.
Their success is a testament to yours, and at least one person will now
see you as a leader. You have to start somewhere.
4. Get on the radar by networking. Networking
is important because it'll not only place you on the map but it'll also
help you achieve tip No. 1. Joanne Cleaver, author of the upcoming book
The Career Lattice and president of the strategic
communication consulting firm Wilson-Taylor Associates, says you need
alliances with co-workers who can pull in the resources and expertise
you'll need to get a project done. "People often assume that they must
network up in the organization, but in this era of professional social
networking, lateral networks are just as crucial," she says.
5. Lead collaboratively, not cutthroat. Leadership
is centered on teamwork rather than going it alone. If you're only out
for yourself, why would anyone follow your lead? A good leader
recognizes others' strengths and harnesses them to orchestrate a
collaborative project.
6. Gain your colleagues' trust. How do you gain
trust in the workplace? Simple: Don't give others a reason to be
mistrustful of you. This one is really a matter of being ethical. Don't
lie, cheat, steal, or throw anyone under the bus to get ahead. Following
the Golden Rule will go a long way in earning trust with your work
7. Encourage others through positivity. Leadership
requires strong, positive energy—people gravitate toward positivity.
Tony Schwartz is the president and chief executive officer of The Energy
Project, a company that teaches people how to have a more engaged
workforce. In a guest blog post for the Harvard Business Review,
Schwartz writes about how leaders should "Serve as Chief Energy
Officers—to free and fuel us to bring the best of ourselves to work
every day."
Leaders exude positivity, and it's this energy that helps fuel
everyone to do their best. This goes back to being solution-oriented and
resourceful. A can-do, pleasant attitude is much more respected than a
negative one.
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